Monday, May 26, 2008

Over 100,000 visitors!

This month, the web site has received over 100,000 unique visitors since it's launch in June, 2004! was first created on an old Macintosh Quadra 610 with a free version of Freeway, version 1. Both the computer and the web-site have been upgraded since then. But, I've tried to keep the site simple and elegant, without all the extra fluff of flash and animations that exclude those with slower dial-up connections and older computer systems.

I've continued to include all sorts of personal insights and creativity on the site, showing the world a small glimmer into who I am always becoming. And, I've also included some useful information, such as the articles on getting your own web site ranked highly by the search engines.

All of this sharing has lead to some amazing e-mails over the years. I've corresponded with massage therapists and other curious folks from all over the world!

Word of mouth and the web-site has been my only form of advertising for quite some time. It's taken awhile to get here, but now my massage practice is thriving in ways I could never dream!

Thank you all for visiting!

Hamid : )

Hamid LMT - Massage therapist in Portland, Oregon

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Under construction!

Dear friends,

I've just found out that the landlord will be doing some improvements to the NE Broadway office. We're getting a new bathroom!

During the construction week, I'll be unable to offer massages there. So, I'll be scheduling sessions at my Gresham home office during this time. I'll also be opening up Saturday sessions at the NE Broadway office on June 7th and 14th.

Construction will be happening June 9th - 13th.

If you're already scheduled for a session during this time, I will contact you very soon to reschedule. I do apologize for the inconvenience!

Hamid LMT - Massage therapist in Portland, Oregon

A few little changes

Effective immediately, my rates at my Gresham home office will now match the rates at my Portland office.

See the following link for current rates...

Current massage rates

Also, I'm now making my gift certificates valid for one year. Expired gift certificates will no longer be able to be used as a coupon.

Hamid : )

Hamid LMT - Massage therapist in Portland, Oregon

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Vacation schedule

Hello, dear friends,

We're finally starting to get a glimpse of Spring! I don't know about you, but I could do without all the gloomy weather for a bit!

Life has been wonderfully filled! Due to the increase in demand, I've created more openings in the week and am booking a few early evening sessions. I'm just one fellow and can physically do only so many sessions in a given week, so my schedule often fills up. Please, book your massage appointments early!

I'm also taking a little time off this month. Next week, while my wife visits East coast friends and family, I'm going to take the dogs, grab a guitar and some books, load up the camper van and go on a camping road trip. Later in the month, Bhaktirose and I will make our second attempt to get down the Redwoods (we broke down last year!). Feel free to call during these times. I should have access to voicemail and limited e-mail, though I may not always be in an area with cell phone reception.

I'll be out of the office on the following dates:
May 11th - May 18th
May 26th (Memorial Day)
May 30th - June 4th

Thank you so much for being alive right here and now! You have no idea just how many lives you enrich just by your presence on this earth!

Blessings and love,
Hamid : )

Hamid LMT - Massage therapist in Portland, Oregon