Monday, October 09, 2006

Focusing on my own healing...

Dear friends,

I was recently diagnosed with Crohn's Disease... a chronic inflammation of the intestines. It had gone mis-diagnosed for over 10 years by two different rather lazy western doctors. No worries. Nothing life threatening. I'm going in for a colonoscopy in mid-November just to check for anything else. I've begun seeing a gastro-intestinal specialtist at The Oregon Clinic and he's started me on a couple medications. I'm already feeling better!

As I tune into my own healing needs, I'll be reducing the number of hours I'm available during the week, just to keep my energy up. I'm going to begin by setting office hours Monday through Thursday. At least once a month, I'll offer my services on a Saturday afternoon. Thanks for understanding!

In other news, Chaya, or doggie, turned one year old recently and finally got her splint off her broken toe! She's as playful and sweet (and sometimes hyper!) as ever and very happy her foot doesn't resemble a small baseball bat anymore!

Blessings and love,
Hamid : )

Hamid LMT - Massage therapist in Portland, Oregon