Dear friends,
After 2 1/2 amazing years basing my practice out of Sellwood Spirit Feathers, it's time to move onwards.
This weekend, I'll be moving to a new office on NE Broadway and 30th. It's a two office healing center being created by fellow massage therapist, Nancy Failla of Bodywork Essentials.
The space will be completed soon and I hope to begin taking clients this Wednesday, April 19th. If you'd like a massage before then, you're more than welcome to come out to my Gresham home office.
To celebrate the move, I just mailed out postcards with a handy-dandy discount coupon for your first session at the new office! If you're not on my snailmail list, just reply to this email with your address and I'll send one out to you.
Though I'll miss Spirit Feathers, I've very excited for this change! After moving out to Gresham, Sellwood just seems a bit far. NE Broadway is a bit closer and more centrally located for all of my wonderful clients.
Here's the new address:
2915 NE Broadway, Suite C
Portland, Oregon 97232
See you soon!
Hamid : )
p.s. I just had to share... After 8 years, Harlan, my pearled cockatiel, started laying her first eggs! Of course, they're unfertilized... but, such beautiful treasures. As of today, she's laid 7 eggs... one every two or three days.
Here's a few pics...

Hamid LMT - Massage therapist in Portland, Oregon