Monday, June 27, 2005


Shiver me timbers, mate!

My birthday massage special was fantastic! It was the busiest week I've ever had! I filled up my entire schedule and people kept calling, so I had to spill over the discount to next week for those I couldn't fit in. Celebrating another year on the planet with my wonderful clients was a pure joy.

Thanks to my wife's devious planning, my chums threw me a surprise pirate birthday party! She took me to Salvador Molly's near Belmont for some pirate cookin'! The staff were warm, kind and great... we even shared the rest of our birthday cake with them. The ice cream cake was made by the kids at the downtown Ben & Jerry's, which is run nearly entirely by homeless youth.

Afterwards, we went cosmic bowling... and, well... none of us are exactly pro... but it was still a blast!

Here's a scary pirate pic of Cap'n Hamid!

Hamid LMT - Massage therapist in Portland, Oregon

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Massage Special! One week only!

For one week only, I'll be running the best deal of the year on massage! During the week of my 32nd birthday (June 20th -25th), I'll be charging $32 for a 60 minute massage therapy and bodywork session. But, ya gotta bring in the coupon. I've sent mailers out to all my clients. If you'd like a coupon, just email me your address and I'll get one out to you right away. Space will be very limited.

Hamid LMT - Massage therapist in Portland, Oregon